Monday, May 24, 2010

TV Review: Lost Season Finale, The End

Having watched the finale to Lost i figured this would make a good first review post for the blog, so be aware that if you stubble across this blog and haven't seen the finale, spoilers will be below

I've been A fan of Lost since about the partway through the second season primary with the mysteries of the hatch and the Smoke Monster began to take hold. I have always been more interested with events on the island vs the flashbacks. That being said I also fully aware that show is character based first and foremost.

The Final episode of Lost entitled "The End" gave us really no further answer towards the mythology in Lost, but for the most part an interesting plot, good dialogue and very well acted. I found myself not horrible disliking this finale, but at the same time I can't say it blew me away. I think the real feeling I have is that it was a little too anti-climatic.

The resolution of the conflict between Jack (and the rest of losties) and Man In Black seemed over fair too easy. And if the removing of the "the Light" is supposed to have dire world ending effects I certainly didn't feel that when watching the island crumble. Dire for the Island and the people on it, yes, but global no. But I guess the red lava like light and smoke coming from the Heart of the Island could thought of as hell being unleashed.

Way too much emphasis was put on the flash sideways or purgatory that characters were living before moving on. What did this really have to do with the main story? It was interesting to somewhat different versions of character and to bring back characters. great character study yes but great story telling not so much. I t confirmed my original thoughts this isn't the real story and has barring upon it. It was it's own story.

It has some good moments but ultimately it didn't quite live up to the event that fans and ABC/Disney made it out to be.

The Good:
  • Seeing the inside of the Heart of Island and that is really is a cork (heh)
  • Jack's badassed telling the Man of Black that he'd kill him, but how is a surprise
  • Hurley become the Protector of the Island (second most obvious choice) and Ben becoming his second his Richard... Spin off please :)
The Bad:
  • Jack and the Man in Black "Fight" (Jack is sucker for the same trick twice)
  • The Island (main) Story taking a backseat to the Purgatory non-story
  • this could have easily been done is 2 hrs there was no need for an extra 1/2 hour
the Ugly (aka Wtf)
  • Evangeline Lilly's Daffy Duck double take when Kate "remembers" that was the best take?
  • Aarons birth again?? and I don't believe he was in the church either, So did we need that
  • Love is powerful but only when your dead and has no barring on the Island?
Plot:3 Acting: 4 Dialogue:4 Production: 4 Enjoyment: 3 Overall: 3

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good review. You already know I agree with you on most points.

    After mulling it over for a few days, I find myself disappointed that we never get a look at what happens to the ones who escaped on the jet. We just learn that, when they eventually die and become part of the purgatory-world, they meet up with each other again. But what happened in between those times? I guess we have to speculate.

    I that case I feel sorry for Sawyer. Sure he'll eventually find Juliette again in the timeless Purgatory world, but until then the man hardly has anything to live for- not like Kate or Claire who have at least Aaron to take care of.

    I suspect Hurley had something to do with the purgatory world- Ben did say to him that he could do things differently than Jacob. Maybe he took advantage of some anomaly that existed when the H-Bomb went off (?!).

    Needless to say it is obvious that Hurley moves his fried chicken business to the Island and uses its special magnetic and transportation powers to avoid taxation agents and health inspectors. :P
